By John Lorinc
LORINC: Metrolinx goes Kumbaya
Isn’t it strange how the worm can turn during an election? Mere months ago, David Miller and his supporters took to the TTC’s PA systems to denounce the...
LORINC: Rossi’s newest tunnel vision
Where to begin, or, perhaps more accurately, where to end? That’s the question Rocco Rossi’s troops flatly refuse to answer about his newest pledge to...
LORINC: There goes the middle
Well, that didn’t take long. Just days into the allegedly serious part of the campaign, and the ideological middle has almost entirely vanished as an...
LORINC: Rossi’s disingenuous term limits
I’ve spent the past three weeks mercifully out of earshot of Toronto’s 2010 election follies. But a quick scan of recent events suggests to me that the...
LORINC: Frankly, Miller has done good
John Lorinc will return to his election coverage columns in two weeks. In the meantime, here is his column from the Summer 2010 issue of Spacing. With...
LORINC: John Tory exits stage left
Last Friday was something of a historic day for Toronto, because it will be remembered as the very last time John Tory’s name will be advanced for...
LORINC: Where’s the open debate about open fare?
If I close my eyes when Adam Giambrone waxes on about an open payment fare system for the TTC, I could swear I was listening to the business-friendly pols...
LORINC: Peace, Order, and Good Government in 2010
Here’s a question: How is it that Canadians were so blasé about the mass G-20 arrests, but now seem to be intriguingly hot and bothered about Tony Clement...
LORINC: 10 more questions about TPSB’s G20 review
In the early 1990s, the Ontario Commission on Police Services conducted an extended probe of the internal affairs unit of the Metro Toronto Police...
LORINC: Greenwashing by any other name
I normally have a lot of time for the Toronto Environmental Alliance, but the heat this week must have wiped out the organization’s institutional memory...
LORINC: 10 questions a G20 inquiry should address
In recent Canadian history, three previous political demonstrations led to confrontations with police and subsequent legal actions or official inquires...
LORINC: The City That Dare Not Speaks Its Name
As has been widely reported, the Canadian government and various provincial tourism agencies have bought all the ads in the current New Yorker, presumably...