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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Ride the rainbow of Bloor-Danforth

    Since there has been a lot of discussion in the post just below about preserving the TTC’s subway tiles, I thought it would be a good time to post a...

  • TEST: Which year this photo taken?

    Doing photo research for Spacing’s upcoming issue uncovered a handful of amusing images. The photo shown above captures bathers and car owners in...

  • Cash-strapped Americans re-examine driving habits

    As we put the finishing touches on the upcoming issue of Spacing (which focuses on the role of the car in the city), we are discovering more and more...

  • Why do stores keep one door locked?

    One of my greatest pet peeves is when retail stores have one door open and keep the other door closed and locked. Since my employment experience has...

  • Cyclist awareness test

    [youtube][/youtube] Keeping with today’s British theme, Transport for London has a great public service...

  • CBC, 1954: “Toronto’s got itself a subway!”

    [youtube][/youtube] The CBC gives us seven minutes of vintage Toronto during the construction of Canada’s...

  • How Torontonians travel

    Posted in our headlines today was news about Toronto’s choice of transport, and the numbers indicate that — as a city — we really like...

  • No ride for Duke’s this weekend

    There is a planned bike ride in support of Duke’s, which was destroyed in the Queen West Fire, but it is not this weekend as previously reported on...

  • Blogging the Blaze, part II

    Back in 2002, Kevin Steele became the first Toronto photoblogger I followed with regularity. I’ve always enjoyed his series of photos that are...

  • American suburbs the new slums?

    In a bizarre reversal of urban decay, many homes and streets in American suburbs are being abandoned due to a number of reasons, including the fallout of...

  • Panel tells City to sell lands, install road tolls, raise taxes…

    Today, an independent panel is adivsing the City of Toronto to take on a number of drastic measures in order to right the city’s economic ship. from...

  • Blogging The Blaze: The Queen West Fire

    photo by Johnny Madden I saw the movie Cloverfield the weekend it came out. I’m a bit of a sucker for movies that show major metropolitan cities...