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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • The wind takes control of Lake Ontario

    If you walk down to Lake Ontario today you will see some rather large waves. The wind storm we’re experiencing has already closed off streets in the...

  • You Are Here sticker activism in the PATH

    [youtube][/youtube] A few well-intentioned Torontonians have created their own kind of civic-minded activism for...

  • Streetcar map for Toronto

    Click on maps to see larger version About a year ago I sat down with TTC Chair Adam Giambrone and his staff to discuss a number of little ideas I had...

  • TEST: Which year was this photo taken?

    I have wasted many late nights on the web bumping around the Toronto Archives photo database. I’m particularly interested in TTC photos as they...

  • Continuing to swap one bad habit for another

    Last year, The Canadian Cancer Society and Toronto Public Health teamed up to bring you the Driven To Quit challenge which encouraged people to quit...

  • Harnessing wind power downtown

    I have a friend who recently bought a commercial building in the Entertainment District. He has some decent plans on how to properly develop the site and...

  • Look out for door prizes!

    Seattle is taking steps to try and protect cyclists from bring hit by car doors by installing a series of signs near parking spots. The signs are...

  • Bike plates in Oregon

    Every once in a while we hear calls to licence cyclists. But in Oregon, they instead just encourage residents to buy vanity plates for their cars that...

  • POLL: do you have a driver’s license?

    At a recent party over the holidays I asked a majority of the people in attendance if they had a driver’s license. I was surprised by how many folks...

  • Casual carpooling

    I recently received my newest copy of The Next American City — a magazine similar to Spacing, but focused on all of the US of A. One article that...

  • ARCHIVES: Reclaiming streets in the name of hockey

    During the holiday season Spacing will re-publish articles previously seen in our print edition. This article appeared in Spacing #3, fall/winter...

  • POLL: Do you like winter?

    photo by Bouke Salverda Recently, someone said to me that winter was fun for them until we reached the age of responsibility — once we had things to...