By Matthew Blackett
Dose does posters, then dies
If you haven’t heard, the free daily paper Dose is dead. At first, I outrightly rejected the publication. But over time I began to enjoy the...
Robert Fung wants the Gardiner to get down
Royson James’ column today is with Robert Fung, the now deposed head of the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation. James reveals...
Name That Subway
The TTC has finally had enough of boring, old internal “engineer speak” it uses to refer to the various of models of subway trains it has used...
Parkour and knitting on the TTC
Liz Worth, Spacing’s editorial assitant for the last year, has two pieces in the Toronto Star‘s ID section today. The first one is about the...
Pitfield panhandled, er, manhandled by homeless committee
Mayoral hopeful Jane Pitfield has landed herself in some trouble — yesterday, the city’s homelss advocates voted to oust her as co-chair of...
Love My Bike
LOVE MY BIKE JAIME MADDALENA, JOSEPH PAGET MAY 18 – JUN 8, OPENING MAY 18, 7 – 9PM CURBSIDE CYCLE, 412 Bloor St W, Toronto The photographs in...
Ride of Silence on Wednesday
Date: Wendesday May 17, 2006 In T.O.: meet at Bloor and Spadina 6:30 Leave at 7pm Join cyclists worldwide in a silent slow-paced ride in honor of those...
Waterfront design competition
The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC) is sponsoring a $20 million international design competition to re-design the area from the...
Heritage Toronto walks Saturday and Sunday
As part of this month’s Festival of Architecture & Design, Heritage Toronto is leading numerous different walks throughout the city. Each walk...
SPACING presents: Photogrammetry
Spacing is happy to have hooked up with the Harbourfront Centre and Digifest to present a photo installation called Photogrammentry down by the...
The Natural City
The University of Toronto’s Centre for Environment is holding a conference called The Natural City May 31 – June 2, with Stephen Lewis as the...
This is horse shit!
In late February, when the much beloved police horse Brigadier was killed by a hit-and-run driver, I posted a bit of rant about my feelings towards cops...