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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Toronto’s Festival of Architecture and Design

    The City of Toronto’s Festival of Architecture and Design is now underway and will run until the end of May. Spacing has two events during the...

  • City Idol opens on Friday!

    Almost three million people live in Toronto. All important decisions are made by forty five people. They’re called City Councillors. City Idol is...

  • Jane Jacobs 1916-2006

    Jane Jacobs passed away overnight. She was 8 days away from turning 90 years old. Read the Globe and Mail article, the Toronto Star piece, and CBC...

  • Will the GTTA really help?

    From the Star today: “Will the Greater Toronto Transportation Authority soar like an eagle, or will it be a turkey? That question was posed by Glen...

  • How to be a great city; pedestrianizing Toronto; homeless survey

    The Star on Sunday has some more good articles on city building. 1. From “How to be a great city”: What are the forces that shape the urban...

  • Public space catch-all post

    Here are a number of articles from the last few days: Trash: A recommendation that York and Durham regions’ trash be incinerated will likely cause...

  • TTC promotions

    Ed Drass of the Metro daily transit paper has a column today on the TTC’s promotional ideas. The column includes a nod to Spacing‘s...

  • The winner is The Beach

    Over 2,200 people voted on whether to brand their street signs with “The Beach” or “The Beaches” — 58% voted for the...

  • Who says Torontonians are cold-hearted?

    Who says Torontonians are cold-hearted? BlogTO has a great little post about Annex residents piling carboard boxes and spare sheets below a lamppost. The...

  • T.O.’s Expo bid, the Metropass, the suburbs

    A few links to articles in the Toronto Star today: With the city set to decide late next month whether to back a bid for the Expo 2015 world’s fair...

  • Toronto homeless survey

    Jeff Gray writes in today’s Globe and Mail: A controversial one-night city survey of the homeless is set to go ahead this week, despite opposition...

  • CommonPlace Drinks

    CommonPlace Drinks: For people interested in Toronto’s public spaces WHEN: Tuesday, April 18th, 2006 – 6:30 p.m. WHERE: Dora Keogh’s...