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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Meter Pops

    Meter Pops by Mark Jenkins, found in downtown Washington DC. It would be nice to know what is going through this gentleman’s head as he approaches...

  • Toronto’s community gardens

    Earlier today I posted about community gardens in Los Angeles. Coincidentally, Eye Weekly has a feature on Toronto’s community gardens. Amid budget...

  • Postering & Gentrification

    NOW has two stories worth reading this week: one is on postering and the pros and cons of the newly proposed by-law. Spacing has the exact same concerns...

  • South Central Farmers

    An interesting showdown is happening in Los Angeles. The South Central Community Garden is split into 350 plots farmed by local families and community...

  • Ryerson to ‘turn around and face the city’

    From the Globe and Mail today: Ryerson University sits smack in the middle of downtown Toronto, with its back turned to the city. That’s about to...

  • The Toronto Game

    As the weather warms up we are starting to see some of the great plans people have for this coming spring, summer, and fall. One of my favourite things is...

  • Part of billboard falls on man in Dundas Square

    A piece of a billboard hit a man today, seriously injuring him as he walked through the Dundas Square area today. Here’s what CP24 is reporting: One...

  • Like Spacing’s buttons, but more practical

    One the fun fallouts of producing our Toronto subway buttons is hearing how people use their buttons. One lady bought a pack of station buttons that were...

  • Trellis: Constructions for Growth

    TRELLIS. CONSTRUCTIONS FOR GROWTH March 18 to April 8, 2006, Opening March 18, 2 – 5 DYAN MARIE PROJECTS, 1444 Dupont Unit 31 Gallery Hours...

  • Toronto People Project

    Neil Gunner wants to talk to you. He started a photo web site called the Toronto People Project. He asks random people if he can take their photo. Most of...

  • Signs of Life

    Signs of Life is a book by Dave Askwith and Alex Normanton that chronicles the subtle art of changing official signage into amusing social commentary. The...

  • Photjunkie wins Bloggie

    Regular Spacing contributor Rannie Turingan [ aka ] won Best Canadian Blog at the 2006 Bloggies held at SXSW. The Bloggies are one of the...