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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Good articles from the Star & NOW

    Some recent articles in the Star are worth posting about: 1. The City wants to crack down on vehicles idling. 2. Royson James writes about the need for...

  • Beauty in density

    I came across the photos of Michael Wolf a month or two ago and kinda forgot about him until I was cleaning out my Inbox. His images of Hong Kong, and the...

  • The cult of transit lovers

    The Toronto Star did an a full-page article on transit lovers today, and it featured a number of people connected to Spacing (and Spacing itself!)...

  • Bike lane on Bloor

    It is for real this time — there is a bike lane on Bloor Street West. Well, kinda. An anonymous reader sent us the above photos and wrote, “I...

  • TTC anagram map not going away

    Sean Lerner, the quick mind behind the TTC Rider Efficiency Guide, is a little worked up over the TTC’s “cease and desist” letter...

  • SPACING’s 2006 city election internship program

    In the fall, Torontonians will go to the polls and pick 44 city councillors and a mayor. This will be the first time Spacing will have election coverage...

  • Portraits in the Park

    WHEN: Thursday March 9, 8-10pm WHERE: Toronto Free Gallery, 660 Queen St. E. On Thursday at the Toronto Free Gallery, the work of Rannie Turingan (aka...

  • Active 18 design charrette

    Originally posted on March 1st. This afternoon, Active 18 — the Queen West West community group that’s formed to provide a voice for residents...

  • SPACING: voted best indie magazine in Toronto

    The results are in from BlogTO‘s Best of Indie Toronto survey, and Spacing was voted the city’s best independent magazine. Thanks for voting...

  • Reading Toronto post: ad nauseam

    An article from yesterday’s National Post has been cross-posted on Reading Toronto’s website. It focuses on how Toronto’s planning...

  • Bike lane stunt on Bloor

    Cycling activists are holding a bike-lane making party on Friday at 2pm at Bloor and Yonge (the above photo is an attempt to visualize what the lane would...

  • SPACING: what do other cities have that the TTC needs?

    Over the last few weeks the Spacing Wire has been posting a lot of transit-related articles and links. This is probably happening because of the research...