Pedestrian Plans Galore
As Toronto begins the preliminary stages of developing a Pedestrian Plan, it’s useful to see what others have done.
By Dylan Reid -
Couch biking
It’s as wide as an SUV but has to be carried across rail tracks. It’s called the Couch Bike. Two guys (one Canadian and the other a Norwegian...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s New Year resolutions
This might be a good time to lay out our wish list for 2006. • Do not approve the EUCAN monster bins: Within the coming months, the City’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s Public Spaces in 2005
Both Eye Weekly and NOW ran excellent 2005 year in review features. Here’s the stuff they pointed out that the Spacing Wire thinks is worth...
By Matthew Blackett -
NYC police infiltrate bike and anti-war activism
An early holiday present to New York City cycling activists was revealed last week in the New York Times. For the last 16 months, undercover NYC police...
By Matthew Blackett -
BMX park along the waterfont?
Tomorrow evening (Wednesday, December 14) Councillor Sylvia Watson is holding a community meeting to discuss the idea of building a BMX course at Marilyn...
By Dale Duncan -
GIFT GUIDE: name a BikeShare bike
Over the next week or two the contributors to the Spacing Wire are going to suggest some random gift ideas for the coming holidays. The first idea...
By Matthew Blackett -
Cycling calendar by CBN
If you don’t know about the Community Bicycle Network, you should visit their web site. They are the ones trying to convince City Hall to make this...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Push-bike Architecture Treasure Hunt
Our lives are very busy. And if they’re not, they certainly should be. But for all of us, especially those who cycle, there are breaks in our daily...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Why do you want to kill me?
I can help you my friend. I know the cure. What is it? The same thing that cured me. Ride your bike to work. It’s instant, it’s complete. Your...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Does the Bike Plan have legs?
As of late, we have been bemoaning the lack of action by the City on its own Bike Plan (for background click here and here). The Toronto Star reports...
By Matthew Blackett -
Cyclist memorial
This is an image captured at the memorial for Ryan Carriere, who was killed last Monday, October 31, at the intersection of Queen Street W. and Gladstone...
By Matthew Blackett