Holy Public Dancing Interventions, Batman!
Gillian Wearing, what have you wrought? Ever since you decided to spontaneously dance in a shopping mall back in 1994, and record it for a video piece...
By Leah Sandals -
Art Attack Meeting Tonight @ Metro Hall
I know some of you want to piledrive the Henry Moore sculpture in Nathan Phillips Square, but you’re going to have to save that for another day...
By Leah Sandals -
NY Times has ideas
In today’s NY Times magazine they look at 74 ideas that were talked about over the past year. Some are weird — like the comb that listens and...
By Shawn Micallef -
Reminder: Calvacade of (Throwie) Lights tonight!
Newmindspace is reworking the Calvalcade of Lights theme with a throwie workshop and action tonight (Friday, December 8th). Throwies, in case you...
By Leah Sandals -
Saturday, Saturday: A Public Art Rapper’s Delight
So I’ve been trying to change the words to Sugar Hill Gang’s Classic “Rapper’s Delight” so that it goes “Public Art...
By Leah Sandals -
Good public art that does a public good
If you happen to be in Montreal in the next few days, be sure to check out the big tent erected at Place Emelie-Gamelin near Berri/UQAM station. No, the...
By Leah Sandals -
Diamonds are for selling, forever
The Star runs a piece today in the GTA section about a group that’s trying to save an old ad on Weston Road north of Lawrence from being eroded...
By Leah Sandals -
Dancing in the streets
Tired, like Billy Idol, of just dancing with yourself? Or tireder still, like OK GO, of dancing on treadmills at the gym? Well break on out of that...
By Leah Sandals -
Forget convenient Slurpees! I want convenient art!
Lest the promisingly whelming weekend art fairs left you over- or underwhelmed (or, uh, you just couldn’t make it) now might be the time to soothe...
By Leah Sandals -
Is Queen Street Dead? & Funeral for a Building tomorrow
Put on your blackest of black art-discourse suits and your thinking cap tomorrow as the Toronto Alternative Art Fair International hosts an afternoon of...
By Leah Sandals -
Bolering alone? Alleyjaunt co-founder says “non”
Lise Beaudry, co-founder of Alleyjaunt (one of our city’s most fun summer arts fests) and an artist in her own right, will be kicking off a unique...
By Leah Sandals -
New Nuit Blanche online archive
The Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art has created on online archive devoted exclusively to documenation of Nuit Blanche. I’ve had a quick browse...
By Leah Sandals