The (lost) art of voting?
This morning a local arts advocacy org,, released results of their all-candidates survey on arts and culture issues in Toronto. The good part...
By Leah Sandals -
Filming life in Regent Park
Today sees the kickoff of the 2006 Regent Park Film Festival, which runs to November 12th at Nelson Mandela Park Public School. Some of the films are...
By Leah Sandals -
Bubbalicious for grown-ups
The Guardian Online reported Sunday about a NYC adman-cum-artist whose “bubbalicious” ad critique campaign is giving some of the power of ads...
By Leah Sandals -
Get some perspective – the urban kind
Tonight grab anyone you think is myopic on urban issues and bring them down to the Goethe Institute for the opening of Urban Perspectives, an examination...
By Leah Sandals -
Illegal posters challenge Paris
The Star runs an AP story this morning about an innovative and illegal street art project that is pumping up some controversy in France. It has to do with...
By Leah Sandals -
Bundlin’ up for public artriffic good times
As if Hallowe’en alone didn’t provide enough public visual spectacle for urban dwellers, it’s worth reminding Spacing Wirers that there...
By Leah Sandals -
Gentrify this
There’s been a lot of discussion in recent years in Toronto about the gentrification of formerly “ethnic” and low-income neighbourhoods...
By Dylan Reid -
10 parts of Toronto that need public art
Tut tut! There is not one but two pieces on public art in the weekend papers. The Star runs a long piece from Peter Goddard about a new public art...
By Leah Sandals -
Sculpture Idol results in!
In case you were wondering who won the Toronto Sculpture Garden’s own version of the Cooper-Hewitt People’s Choice Awards earlier this month...
By Leah Sandals -
Yeah, but can I build one in Trinity-Bellwoods?
Treehugger reports this morning that Mary Cusato’s Katrina Cottage has won the first ever Cooper-Hewitt People’s Design Award. The cottage...
By Leah Sandals -
I ___ this ad
Here’s a nice option for the ad-inundated public; a sticker that will puke on beautiful models in perpetuity. Image courtesy of Wooster Collective
By Leah Sandals -
I am a wild public art party
There is a slew of public space events happening tonight, what with a book launch, tall buildings talk, and activist meeting (see below for details). On...
By Leah Sandals