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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Emotion Mapping

    Check out this amazing project by artist Christian Nold who collaborated with local residents from the Greenwich Peninsula in London to explore the area...

  • Public Chairs

    Used chairs are taken from the trash and are being transformed into public property by spraying the words “public chair” on them. That way they get a...

  • 6x parking density

    Six bicycles to one car: the bike park occupies a single carpark space, a critical proposal of the space of parking. By Adrien Rovero & Inout Projects.

  • The news from NOW and Eye

    If you haven’t picked up a copy of this week’s NOW you should try to find the few remaining copies that float around coffee shops or burger...

  • Some good readings

    A few tasty reads for you: here are three recent columns from Christopher Hume at the Star. The first column is about the public art at Toronto’s...

  • Queen Street of Hearts

    Those crazy kids from Newmindspace were at it again — last night/this morning a team of chalker made a mural of hearts along Queen Street West from...

  • Alexandra Park Memorial Mural

    An attractive mural has been painted onto a wall on Cameron Street, at the edge of the Alexandra Park housing development, in memory of a long-time...

  • Seattle’s department of neighbourhoods

    In the fall, Spacing, Professor Pamela Robinson of Ryerson University, and the Metcalf Foundation presented two lectures by out-of-the-box thinkers from...

  • [murmur] vs. Hart House

    Our next [murmur] audio documentary project is taking us out of the “true” public spaces of our streets, laneways and parks and into the...

  • Queen West Makes Fun of Itself

    Another thing making the internet rounds is this short movie making fun of Queen Street West West hipsters. The Hipster Defense League will probably be...

  • Ticket SUVs

    Come out on February 3rd and help Action Terroriste Socialement Acceptable ticket 1200 gas guzzlers in Toronto. ATSA is the Montreal group that...

  • SPACING: The genius of grafitti artist Roadsworth

    The Canadian answer to Britain’s Banksy, the world’s most legendary stencil artist, should be none other than Montreal’s Roadsworth. His...
