Community-guided development
In Thursday’s Toronto Star, Christopher Hume writes an excellent piece about the efforts of community group Active 18 to create a...
By Dylan Reid -
New media vs. old media
On most days, the Spacing Wire tracks what is going on in the public realm of this city, linking to articles and columns in the major daily papers, the...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Beach or The Beaches?
The Beach or The Beaches? by Josh Hume An old civic-pride controversy is flaring up again in Toronto’s east end. The Beaches Business Improvement...
By Spacing -
Active 18 vs. WESTside Lofts
[Crossposted on the Eye Blog] Back to back press conferences taking place Thursday morning will provide two perhaps contrasting visions for development...
By Dale Duncan -
Waterfront takes next step
From the Toronto Star today: Today, an old cement block warehouse will come tumbling down on King St., east of Toronto’s downtown. The demolition of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Help Wanted: [murmur]
[murmur] is looking for help. We’ve got a bunch of new projects on the go, and need someone to help us manage it all. Please get in touch with us if...
By Shawn Micallef -
Sit-in at Parkdale’s Globe
Some community members of Parkdale are a little upset that the new World Peace Monument does not include benches. They claim the Parkdale BIA purposely...
By Matthew Blackett -
Postering & Gentrification
NOW has two stories worth reading this week: one is on postering and the pros and cons of the newly proposed by-law. Spacing has the exact same concerns...
By Matthew Blackett -
Ryerson to ‘turn around and face the city’
From the Globe and Mail today: Ryerson University sits smack in the middle of downtown Toronto, with its back turned to the city. That’s about to...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto People Project
Neil Gunner wants to talk to you. He started a photo web site called the Toronto People Project. He asks random people if he can take their photo. Most of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Planning Site of the Day
Spacing magazine is the planning site of the day today on Cyburbia. Cyburbia is a great planning portal with lots of resources including links, forums...
By Chris Hardwicke -
What is the geographic impact of advertising on our cities? We know that advertising pervades our urban environment but what would a map of advertising...
By Chris Hardwicke