Ryerson to ‘turn around and face the city’
From the Globe and Mail today: Ryerson University sits smack in the middle of downtown Toronto, with its back turned to the city. That’s about to...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto People Project
Neil Gunner wants to talk to you. He started a photo web site called the Toronto People Project. He asks random people if he can take their photo. Most of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Planning Site of the Day
Spacing magazine is the planning site of the day today on Cyburbia. Cyburbia is a great planning portal with lots of resources including links, forums...
By Chris Hardwicke -
What is the geographic impact of advertising on our cities? We know that advertising pervades our urban environment but what would a map of advertising...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Active 18 design charrette
Originally posted on March 1st. This afternoon, Active 18 — the Queen West West community group that’s formed to provide a voice for residents...
By Matthew Blackett -
Scavenging uTOpia
When: Sunday February 26, 2-5pm Where: Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen Street West, free Do you have city savvy? Detective-like determination? Intimate...
By Matthew Blackett -
Queen Street of Hearts
Those crazy kids from Newmindspace were at it again — last night/this morning a team of chalker made a mural of hearts along Queen Street West from...
By Matthew Blackett -
Alexandra Park Memorial Mural
An attractive mural has been painted onto a wall on Cameron Street, at the edge of the Alexandra Park housing development, in memory of a long-time...
By Dylan Reid -
Queen St. West Heritage meeting
The second Public Meeting for the Queen Street West Heritage Conservation District Study will be held on Wednesday February 22, 2006 — 7:30pm at...
By Dylan Reid -
TTC to reconnect station to its landscape
The TTC has hired a group including noted Toronto architects Brown + Storey to help re-configure Victoria Park station and re-connect it to the ravine...
By Dylan Reid -
Island airport debate
The debate for federal candidates held on the waterfront last night showed the animosity towards an Island airport is very much a hot local issue. Nealry...
By Matthew Blackett -
When condos attack and defending suburbia
Eye Weekly is running a series of articles on development in Toronto. In the first piece, “Beyond NIMBY,” Spacing‘s managing editor Dale...
By Matthew Blackett