SPACING VOTES WEEKLY: Social media, Ford, and bikes
EDITOR’S NOTE: Spacing Votes — our dedicated 2010 election blog — will feature regular posts form our contributors that examine campaign promises...
By Ryan Bolton -
Pinball and Subs at Yonge and Dundas
“Pinball and Subs at Yonge and Queen” Comparative Then and Now Northeast corner of Yonge St. and Dundas St. early 1980s – late...
By Alden Cudanin -
Farm Friday: Sick Kids Hospital
Name: Sick Kids Farmers’ Market Location: Sick Kids Hospital front lawn, 555 University Ave. Date & Time: Tuesday’s 9-2, June 1 to Oct. 26...
By Nicole McIsaac -
Friday’s Headlines
Mayoral Race • Fords ‘end run’ on student football rules set bad example: Officials [ Toronto Star ] • Reading the Labour Council tea leaves ...
By Nicole McIsaac -
SPACING RADIO G20 SPECIAL: Spectacle & social media
LISTEN TO TODAY’S SPACING RADIO PODCAST Spacing Radio is taking a closer look at the impact of the G20 Summit this week. One incident that stands...
By Spacing -
VIDEO: Nothing is higher than an architect
If you live in a place without air conditioning than you can relate to my current plight: the heat wave is making it difficult for me to sleep at night...
By Matthew Blackett -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Thursday’s Headlines
Mayoral Race • Teacher asked Rob Ford to leave [ Toronto Star ] • Ford campaign denies coaching report [ Globe & Mail ] • I’d put city...
By Nicole McIsaac -
SPACING RADIO G20 SPECIAL: Toronto the colony
LISTEN TO TODAY’S SPACING RADIO PODCAST All this week, Spacing Radio is taking a closer look at the impact of the G20 Summit on our public spaces...
By Spacing -
Cities for People – Niagara Street Design Intervention: here comes the Giant Bacon
This is part of a series of posts by students in OCAD’s Cities for People summer workshop (click the link to read a bit about what the class is about)...
By Cities for People -
World Wide Wednesday: LRT in LA, beautiful billboards and city software
Each week we will be focusing on blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
Wednesday’s Headlines
G20 Aftermath • Opinion: A rough lesson in civics [ Toronto Star ] • Accused in G20 protests released on bail [ Toronto Star ] • Best be careful around...
By Nicole McIsaac