The Igor effect
A couple of summers ago, I did a post about a bike being stolen from in front of the police HQ. I said that the police ought to make more effort about...
By Dylan Reid -
Thursday’s headlines
BIKES • 1,000 more bikes seized [ Toronto Star ] • Police ‘astonished’ as number of stolen bikes recovered passes 2,000 [ CBC.ca ...
By Monika Warzecha -
Event Guide: What’s New in New York?
WHAT: “What’s New in New York?”: An evening of film and discussion featuring Transportation Alternatives‘ Noah Budnick. Films by...
By Dylan Reid -
Yonge and Dundas ready to scramble
click on photo for larger version * photo by Sam Javanrouh If you’ve been to Yonge and Dundas in the last few days you may have noticed that a new...
By Matthew Blackett -
Wednesday’s headlines
• Owners slow to show up as stolen bikes sorted [ Toronto Star ] • Recovered hoard of bicycles overwhelms police facilities [ CBC.ca ] &bull...
By Monika Warzecha -
[murmur] Junction & volunteer call
[murmur] Conjunction Junction After recently celebrating our 5th anniversary, [murmur] is pleased to announce we are busy recording stories, memories and...
By Shawn Micallef -
A tale of two cities development signage
Toronto development application sign A few months ago I bought myself a decent SLR camera, so I’ve been carrying it around. I often use it as a way...
By Matthew Blackett -
Tuesday’s headlines
• Bike theft tally tops 1,200 [ Toronto Star ] • Police recover stolen bikes by the hundreds [ Globe and Mail ] • Bike theft victims scour...
By Monika Warzecha -
Montréal Monday: Outremont’s parks, sidewalk-cleaning graffiti, and dancing in the streets
Each Monday, Spacing will bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and...
By Matthew Hague -
The Stop Sign as a platform
One of my favourite forms of graffiti art is the alteration of the stop sign. It provides a very prominent platform for anyone who has a desire to express...
By Matthew Blackett -
Monday’s headlines
• Good governance essential for regional transit [ Toronto Star ] • More bikes recovered [ Toronto Sun ] • Panel’s fiscal report sees...
By Monika Warzecha -
The Bicycle Thief
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVV3xmIYjUI[/youtube] In light of the recent coverage of bike thefts such as police bike baiting on Spadina and...
By Monika Warzecha