Spacing named Toronto’s best magazine by BlogTO
Spacing is happy to see that BlogTO readers really like us — we were voted the best Toronto magazine! Read the interview with Spacing’s...
By Spacing -
Sidewalk cleared before road? Really?!?
Spacing Toronto contributors have been writing up a storm of posts about snow removal on sidewalks and roads. We learned that the City didn’t start...
By Matthew Blackett -
Thursday’s headlines
• 21% rink fee hike rejected [ Toronto Star ] • Miller seeks alternatives to big fee hikes [ Globe and Mail ] • Councillor livid over fees...
By Monika Warzecha -
Smug on smog
You gotta love it when someone knows they’re doing something environmentally destructive, such as driving an SUV, but still finds it necessary to be...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s history in phone numbers
When I was growing up in the Toronto suburb of Willowdale, the community where “Downtown North York” is located, almost all of my friends had...
By Matthew Blackett -
Wednesday’s headlines
TAXES • Board of trade urges city to hike taxes another 3% [ Toronto Star ] • Board of Trade shocks City Hall [ Toronto Sun ] • Toronto...
By Monika Warzecha -
Tree Tuesday: Golden Weeping Willow
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of LEAF posts a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project of LEAF and the Toronto Public Space Committee. The...
By Todd Irvine -
Board of Trade to City: More taxes, please
No, it’s not April 1. The Toronto Board of Trade, according to the Toronto Star, actually asked Toronto City Council’s Budget Committee to...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
Walk21 Toronto Community Conference
In October last year, Toronto hosted the major international conference about walking, Walk21. Experts from around the world, including Toronto, spoke on...
By Dylan Reid -
Tuesday’s headlines
• Ice, pool rental fees to soar [ Toronto Star ] • Councillors blindsides by city’s rate hike for rinks [ Globe and Mail ] • Budget...
By Monika Warzecha -
LEAF Annual Party
LEAF is holding its second annual party this Wednesday to celebrate another successful year. It promises to be a fun night with live music, interactive...
By Todd Irvine -
Plowed bike lanes vital to winter biking
Following the City’s Bike Winter promotion and the Coldest Day of the Year ride, the Toronto Star featured an article paraphrasing the cycling...
By Tammy Thorne