Rob Ford is City Hall’s star pupil. Seriously.
The Toronto Sun published an article today on the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation report card on City Hall. Guess who is at the top of the list, the...
By Matthew Blackett -
One man’s Toronto
Inspired by the My Toronto contest, Spacing contributor and Eye Weekly city editor Edward Keenan wrote up a treatment for what his commercial would...
By Shawn Micallef -
Countdown signals: the verdict is in
The verdict appears to be in about the new countdown signals. The Toronto Star (full PDF article) is reporting that pedestrian fatalities are down this...
By Sean Marshall -
Human River walk this weekend
The Toronto Public Space Committee is holding its 3rd Annual Human River walk along Garrison Creek, Toronto’s biggest buried river, this Sunday...
By Dylan Reid -
Design thinkers: Day one
DESIGN THINKERS CONFERENCE — Janine James has a tip for every city that wants to become more sustainable: start with a vision and the rest will...
By Jessica Hume -
Toronto’s Messy Urbanism from the perspective of an Angeleno
Ed: During the Walk 21 conference a few of us had the all too brief pleasure to meet James Rojas from Los Angeles. After he returned to LA he sent us an...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bullish TPA backs down on Matador after citizens wave the red cape
We received a call from Adam Giambrone’s office tonight letting us know that the Toronto Parking Authority reversed their plans to buy the Matador...
By Shawn Micallef -
Tree Tuesday: Towering Carolina poplar
Every Tuesday, Todd Irvine of Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) will post a stop from the Toronto Tree Tours, a collaborative project...
By Todd Irvine -
Guilt-free lawnmower
Here’s a good winter project for the cycling enthusiasts out there who have large yards: combine a bike and hand-push lawnmower. via TreeHugger
By Matthew Blackett -
Road to Nowhere: Bike Riding in New York
Video Urban thinker, former Talking Head, and writer of songs about architecture and buildings David Byrne recently did a presentation called “How...
By Shawn Micallef -
Matador Update: TPA Meeting Tuesday
The Save the Matador website as well as the Facebook group are encouraging people to attend the Toronto Parking Authority meeting at city hall tomorrow to...
By Shawn Micallef -
New York’s naked streets, Pt. II
NEW YORK — An update on the 9th Avenue and 14th Street woonerf: The city has now installed a series of planters, café tables and chairs...
By Joseph Clement