Goodbye Spacing Wire! Hello Spacing Toronto!
Spacing is happy to announce a few changes to our blogs. The most exciting change was announced earlier this morning: Spacing is expanding its presence...
By Spacing -
Monday’s Headlines
• Pleasure at the heart of the city [ Toronto Star ] • Yonge-Bloor tenants told to move [ Toronto Star ] • Townhouses’ trash heap an...
By Julie Yamin -
SPACING POLL: What do you think of the air show?
As I mentioned in previous posts, I live down near the waterfront, so for the last three days I’ve been given a taste of what a possible American...
By Matthew Blackett -
Neighbourhoods on CBC’s Here and Now this week
All this week CBC Radio One’s Here and Now program (99.1FM, 3-6pm daily) will be doing a series on changing neighbourhoods in Toronto. Today Spacing...
By Spacing -
Since when did it become Marilyn Bell Park(ing lot)?
Click to see larger version Earlier this week I was on CP24’s “Hour Town” promoting Spacing Votes and got to hang out back-stage with...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Ribbon Project
Bristol-based artist Hannah Godfrey is bringing The Ribbon Project to Toronto: For five days in October a small group of people, of which I hope you will...
By Shawn Micallef -
How to curb a car culture?
The CBC and National Post are reporting today that a council committee is proposing higher property taxes for certain businesses (gas stations and...
By Sean Marshall -
Royksopp and the city
Gotta like this Royksopp video for the song “Remind Me“. It could pass as a grad student’s thesis project on how cities function. thanks...
By Matthew Blackett -
Moscoe delcares war on highway billboards!
IllegalSigns.ca found a new ally in councillor Howard Moscoe. The verbose politician from North York is asking for a freeze on sign permits throughout...
By Matthew Blackett -
Watching the Blitz from the beach
That plane above is called The Globemaster and it will be attacking Toronto this weekend, along with planes with names like Mustang, Viper, Raptor, and...
By Shawn Micallef -
Facebook Friday Finale: Toronto Lovin’
Facebook has become an important tool for Torontonians who want to inform their fellow citizens about local issues, initiatives, and events, who enjoy...
By Sarah Magwood -
Friday’s Headlines
• Public raging at garden razing [ Toronto Star ] • Woman whose yard was razed receives letters informing her the backyard is next [ National...
By Sean Marshall