Wanna blog about Montréal for Spacing?
A few Spacing editors will be in Montreal this upcoming weekend. While we’re there, we’d like to chat with anyone who’d like to blog...
By Matthew Blackett -
TIME magazine: why Toronto’s island airport isn’t taking off
It is always interesting to read articles or see news clips about Toronto from international media outlets. Sometimes the facts can be wrong, but...
By Matthew Blackett -
Cyclist Profile: Peggy Nash — ‘Cycling a positive behaviour’
In the lead up to, and during, Bike Week this year I will be featuring some cyclist profiles. These will be profiles of regular people who ride bikes in...
By Tammy Thorne -
Detroit Slumpy makes you feel good about Toronto for a bit
Windsor blog International Metropolis and Detroit blog Detroit Funk have had an ongoing wager to see who will capture “the fall” of the...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bike Friday and the green agenda
Today is BikeFriday and cyclists all over the city rode to work this morning in groups. Tonight at 6:30 we ride together again for Critical Mass. Meet at...
By Tammy Thorne -
Lukewarm doc on global hotness & cool city politics flick
Hot Docs is almost — but not quite! — over and there’s still lots of films worth seeing. Here’s one for Mr. Baird & Mr. Harper to kick...
By Leah Sandals -
City Idol: the fundraiser
On Saturday evening, the folks who created the City Idol documentary are holding a fundraiser party at Plaza Flamingo at College and Bathurst to pay off...
By Spacing -
City Hall: The TTC wants your complaints
Cross-posted from Eye Daily. The TTC is planning to conduct a survey asking riders about the cleanliness and state of repair of its stations and...
By Dale Duncan -
Urban Field Speakers Series — Nelson Brissac lecture
Tonight at Prefix Gallery in 401 Richmond, Nelson Brissac will be talking about recent changes in global industry (particularly mining and steel...
By Shawn Micallef -
Walk to Work Day
Today, April 26, 2007, has been declared the first “Walk to Work” day, at least in London, England. British pedestrian organization Living...
By Dylan Reid -
Thursday’s Headlines
• Cab motion almost sent off by muffins [ Toronto Star ] • Rider poll to rate repairs, cleanliness [ Toronto Star ] • Engineers put new...
By Julie Yamin -
Ward 21 bike facilities – public meeting May 2
This map, courtesy of biketoronto.ca, shows the proposed (dashed) and existing (solid) cycling infrastructure in Ward 21. Bike lanes are red, signed on...
By Tammy Thorne