A little history on the TTC’s Timeline service
Many of our readers have suggested that the TTC go back to providing a phone number attached to a transit stop. When you called the number, an automated...
By Spacing -
Sunday Scene — City Talk at Power Plant
There is an interesting talk at the Power Plant on Sunday, part of the We Can Do This Now Toronto-centric exhibition (go just to check out Luis...
By Shawn Micallef -
Sneak a peak at (what might be) Lake Ontario Park
Last night I went to the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation’s Lake Ontario Park Public Forum expecting the half-full room of journalists...
By Ian Malczewski -
Can Bike Share live again?
Dale Duncan, Spacing’s managing editor, wrote about Bike Share in this week’s Eye Weekly. In December, the Community Bicycle Network (CBN)...
By Matthew Blackett -
“Public space protection” — but for which “public”?
I had a bit of a disturbing experience yesterday as I was running errands downtown. First, I was glad to see the south Queen sidewalk east of University...
By Leah Sandals -
Thursday afternoon links to articles
Ken Greenberg has a post on Reading Toronto that outlines his opinion on the Queen West Triangle decision and the OMB. Its a great read from one of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Bye-bye monster bins, hello more headaches
EUCAN, the owners of the monster bins and silver boxes, have new owners who are re-branding the company Ecomedia. And the new owners have made every...
By Matthew Blackett -
If you don’t like salad, don’t do graffiti-ing
Reno 911 is one of my favourite TV shows. I was watching some of their earlier episodes which featured this excellent public service announcement to...
By Matthew Blackett -
Dale Duncan at City Hall: Jan. 18 2007
Spacing‘s managing editor Dale Duncan writes a weekly column for Eye Weekly focused on City Hall. Each week we’ll post her columns on the...
By Dale Duncan -
Help redesign the Lower Donlands
If everyone has had their fill of helping the TTC redesign their website, the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation would like some of that...
By Ian Malczewski -
Public art gettin’ busy on your t-rash
Most of the manhole cover lovers (er, methinks we need a new word for “manhole”) out there are well aware of this already, but last night at...
By Leah Sandals -
Radiant core sets the bar on critiquing the TTC’s web site
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. The blog of the design firm Radiant Core was inspired by TTC Chairman Adam Giambrone’s call to bloggers for...
By James Bow