One Year of Spacing Photos
Last week, we celebrated the first anniversary of the Spacing Wire, so it would be a shame to overlook Spacing.ca’s other daily feature Spacing...
By Matthew Blackett -
Working Towards A Clean and Beautiful Waterfront
Last night I was at Cherry Beach watching the fireworks and lamenting the fact that I hadn’t brought a bathing suit to hop in the lake. When I told...
By Ian Malczewski -
Walking Philosophy
Pedestrians will take the shortest available route where they need to go. And there’s really no reason why they shouldn’t be able...
By Dylan Reid -
Billboards in the city
Today’s Globe and Mail has an article about video billboards and the effect they have on drivers. From Dr. Gridlock’s column today...
By Matthew Blackett -
Birds vs. Boards and Other News
TTC streetcars are flying little Canadian flags off their back wires this weekend. I find this a charming little touch. NOW has an interesting article...
By Dylan Reid -
The new suburbia
Robert Ouellette, the editor of Reading Toronto, also writes for the National Post and had a good article in yesterday’s paper about the development...
By Matthew Blackett -
Bike parking spots and Chicago’s Bike 2015 Plan
The above photo is from San Francisco — a good example of recognizing the importance of bike facilities. Spacing public art editor Leah Sandals...
By Matthew Blackett -
Taking it to the street (furniture)
Two bits of interesting information have emerged from this week’s City Council meetings regarding the street furniture contract and the death of the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Hockey Night in London for Canada Day
One of my closest friends moved to England about six years ago and was surprised to find a large contingent of ex-pat Canadians who came out on Canada Day...
By Matthew Blackett -
New Way to Colour the City
Apparently the latest in random city beautification techniques is LED throwies, LED lights taped together with a battery and a magnet which can then be...
By Dylan Reid -
Great street art
You may remember Mark Jenkins from a previous Spacing Wire post (he’s the dude who put lolipop-like things on top of parking metres). He’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Detroit. Demolition. Disneyland.
Detroit is one of the most striking and well known examples of urban blight and “white flight” in North America. Many, many buildings are...
By Laura Hatcher