The suburban urban forest
In Sunday’s Toronto Star, Kenneth Kidd has a great piece about the urban forest in suburbia: …The houses duly go up, some of that topsoil gets...
By Matthew Blackett -
Cleveland and Whitehorse bike racks
Since Toronto is about to embark on a massive street furniture project, we should to take a look at other cities for inspiration. The top image is a bike...
By Matthew Blackett -
Pedestrian Crossover Review
I told someone recently that I had been at a meeting dealing with a review of pedestrian crossovers, and they got that glazed look in their eyes. But once...
By Dylan Reid -
Lucky Quebec
Cross-posted from the Eye Weekly blog. The Province of Quebec and its municipalities have just struck a deal that’ll make Toronto, and other Ontario...
By Dale Duncan -
Street-side mood lighting, bike tips and tactics
Spacing‘s associate editor Shawn Micallef has an article in the Globe and Mail today about street-side mood lighting in Wrexham, Wales. “If...
By Matthew Blackett -
Council Sidesteps Dog Decision
What is the public space conflict that arouses the most intense passions in the largest number of people? Is it cyclists versus motorists on our streets...
By Dylan Reid -
Bye-bye, Monster Bins
The monster garbage bin project is dead! Well, almost. This week, the City’s Works committee agreed to begin the process for a fat-ass street...
By Matthew Blackett -
Ring Cycle: More Phone Numbers
In an email exchange with city staff regarding the previous post about missing rings from bike lock-ups, staff have told me the number to call regarding...
By Dylan Reid -
Missing rings from post
The blog bricoleurbanism.org is reporting that the metals rings from Toronto bike racks are missing along a stretch of Dundas St. West (just east of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Who You Gonna Call? Obstacle-Busters!
At the Toronto Pedestrian Committee in January, we heard a presentation from city staff about sidewalk obstacles (construction scaffolding, patios...
By Dylan Reid -
Petty Laws Week
London, Ontario city council has just passed a law banning under-18s from purchasing markers or spray paint without a parent or guardian present. Yes...
By Dylan Reid -
The Independent City
Our friends at Broken Pencil magazine, the Canadian indie culture standard bearer, are launching their new issue tonight with a little panel discussion at...
By Spacing