Toronto the Good & Wire Free
The Star is reporting on a Toronto Hydro wifi initiative that may or may not be a thorn in the side of Ted Rogers. Mayor David Miller will join Toronto...
By Shawn Micallef -
Hamilton Raises the Hammer
In 2004 a group of citizens in Hamilton started an online magazine called Raise The Hammer “dedicated to providing a variety of views and approaches...
By Shawn Micallef -
Yorkdale Rainbow
In Saturday’s Globe and Mail John Barber wrote about the “Yorkdale Rainbow,” or rather Arc en Ciel, the neon artwork by Michael Hayden...
By Shawn Micallef -
Naturalized Water Cleaning Planned for Toronto
Toronto is planning to establish a wetland in a neglected spot of public land near High Park that will clean stormwater before it is dumped into Lake...
By Dylan Reid -
Active 18 design charrette
Originally posted on March 1st. This afternoon, Active 18 — the Queen West West community group that’s formed to provide a voice for residents...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING: voted best indie magazine in Toronto
The results are in from BlogTO‘s Best of Indie Toronto survey, and Spacing was voted the city’s best independent magazine. Thanks for voting...
By Matthew Blackett -
Reading Toronto post: ad nauseam
An article from yesterday’s National Post has been cross-posted on Reading Toronto’s website. It focuses on how Toronto’s planning...
By Matthew Blackett -
Commentary: It’s Time to Break Up the Queen Streetcar
The Queen streetcar remains one of the TTC’s most prominent and well-travelled routes, but it is a shadow of its former self. Twenty-five years ago...
By James Bow -
Spacing buttons + anagram map in Eye and Now this week
It was nice to see both Eye Weekly and NOW cover the silliness of the TTC’s cease and desist letter to RobotJohnny and his anagram subway station...
By Spacing -
We Are Traffic — Bike Themed Art Show
This appeared in my OCAD mail box today — I don’t know anything about it, but maybe some folks might be passing by and want to pop in and see...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bike lane stunt on Bloor
Cycling activists are holding a bike-lane making party on Friday at 2pm at Bloor and Yonge (the above photo is an attempt to visualize what the lane would...
By Matthew Blackett -
Talks – Citizens and Cities in Japan
The Asian Institute at the Munk Centre for International Studies (1 Devonshire Place) at the University of Toronto is holding two upcoming talks that deal...
By Dylan Reid