Editorial on ads vs. art; young pedestrian killed
You know you’ve made it as an effective community group when newspapers start writing editorials about your campaigns. The Toronto Public Space...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING: advertising vehicles
We know that there are lots of Spacing readers who are comfortable with outdoor advertising. We still like you. But we’re sure almost all of you...
By Matthew Blackett -
Island airport debate
The debate for federal candidates held on the waterfront last night showed the animosity towards an Island airport is very much a hot local issue. Nealry...
By Matthew Blackett -
When condos attack and defending suburbia
Eye Weekly is running a series of articles on development in Toronto. In the first piece, “Beyond NIMBY,” Spacing‘s managing editor Dale...
By Matthew Blackett -
EUCAN’s pants are on fire
As most readers of Spacing know, we are not fans of the EUCAN bin. You can read all about our reasons here, here, here, or here. There is no doubt in our...
By Matthew Blackett -
Honk if you like Transit
Kevin McGran reports in today’s Toronto Star that GTA tranist use is higher than ever. This suburban transit enthusiasm is evident in the magazine...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Royal Mess
Today, the Toronto Star’s “Fixer” column features a corner of Royal York road where people waiting at a TTC bus stop have been...
By Dylan Reid -
Maisonneuve and Micallef on Toronto
Spacing‘s very own Associate Editor Shawn Micallef is a guest columnist for Maisonneuve this month. He takes on the task of explaining to the rest...
By Matthew Blackett -
FRIDAY: What the TTC could be
WHAT THE TTC COULD BE January 5-8, 2006: noon to five XPACE Gallery • Kensington Market • 303 Augusta Over the last decade TTC Commisioners have...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Antisocial Libertarians of England
A neat article by George Monbiot in The Guardian about the culture of car driving in England, and his fear that “the car is slowly turning us, like...
By Shawn Micallef -
Pedestrian Plans Galore
As Toronto begins the preliminary stages of developing a Pedestrian Plan, it’s useful to see what others have done. Bicyclinginfo.org...
By Dylan Reid -
Today’s Traffic News
A story in the Toronto Star today showed that, despite the hype about gun-related deaths in Toronto, the car was deadlier than the gun in 2005. In...
By Dylan Reid