Billboard Tax: Saved by Girls Hockey
This is the second retrospective look at how the new billboard tax and sign by-law were recently won by the Beautiful City Alliance. For some context on...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
JOHN LORINC: Liberals at the gates of City Hall
No matter how large the field grows, the 2010 mayoral race will ultimately devolve to a single ur-narrative: can an outsider do a better job than the...
By John Lorinc -
Councillor Kyle Rae won’t run for relection in 2010; Rossi to run for mayor
Toronto Centre-Rosedale city councillor Kyle Rae has informed friends and colleagues that he does not intend to run for re-election in the 2010 municipal...
By Matthew Blackett -
Billboard tax: What really happened to arts funding
Having worked with the Beautiful City alliance to win the billboard tax and signs by-law [PDF] that was adopted by City Council yesterday, I’ve got...
By Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler -
City Council votes for a Beautiful City
“It’s David and Goliath, not Solomon,” observed Councillor Joe Mihevc. “The lobbying has been transparent,” said Mayor...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
Councillor Kelly wants your neighbourhood to look like Dundas Square
A typical intersection in Los Angeles. If Councillor Norm Kelly gets his way, every single billboard in this city will be allowed to turn into an...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
Billboard Industry to City Council: “Just Trust Us”
Chief Building Official V. Ann Borooah presenting the City staff report on the Billboard Tax this morning. Two hundred. Thirty-seven. Eight million.Â...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
Better Know A Lobbyist
Lobbyists. In the lobby. Ahead of the November 4 Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting at which the Billboard By-law and Tax were debated...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
The girls hockey imbroglio, which could turn into a bench-clearing brawl at council this week, is one of those curious political sideshows — the...
By John Lorinc -
Karen Stintz, Billboards, and how to get around the Lobbyist Registry
On January 9, 2009, City Councillor Karen Stintz had a business lunch with Les Abro, president and CEO of billboard company Abcon Media. They went to The...
By Jonathan Goldsbie -
How would a National Housing Strategy impact our cities?
cross-posted from Spacing Atlantic HALIFAX — National Housing Day was first marked on the calendar by a team of Toronto housing advocates on Nov 22...
By Emma Feltes -
Arts Vote 2010: Make your creative voice heard!
Arts Vote recently launched their 2010 campaign to identify and support Arts and Culture friendly Mayoral candidates in the next Municipal election. The...
By Nicole Bruun-Meyer