The Great Homeless Count opens tonight
It’s late notice, but tonight and tomorrow evening a new documentary on Toronto’s homeless count that occurred last year premeirs at the new...
By Shawn Micallef -
Spacing Facebook dead — long live Spacing on Facebook
Last week we received a note from the people at Facebook that our Spacing Magazine account had been suspended. We inquired further and it turns out only...
By Shawn Micallef -
Toronto’s Climate Plan
On Friday, Toronto released Change is in the Air, its proposed framework for action on climate change and clean air, and it is a thing of beauty (albeit...
By Keith Stewart -
Screening of anti-sprawl film Radiant City
Sprawl is eating the planet. Across the continent the landscape is being leveled – blasted clean of distinctive features and overlaid with a...
By Keith Stewart -
The award for ‘most commented on post’ goes to…
Since we’re at the start of a new month, we’ve decided to bring back our monthly feature: most commented upon posts. During the months of...
By Julie Yamin -
Spadina Expressway Affair exhibit opens tomorrow
SPADINA EXPRESSWAY AFFAIR exhibit runs from March 3 to July 8 Market Gallery, South St. Lawrence Market, 95 Front St. E. Opening reception Saturday March...
By Matthew Blackett -
TORONTO SUMMIT: Day two brings in bigger crowds
Spacing has Julie Yamin reporting from the two-day Toronto Summit conference. – – – – – – – – – Day...
By Julie Yamin -
Spacing’s MySpace and Facebook pages
UPDATE: We also opened a FaceBook account. You can find us at this page. And here’s the Spacing group. Spacing just got itself a MySpace account...
By Matthew Blackett -
New issue release party tonight!
RELEASE PARTY: TONIGHT! Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. W. doors open at 8pm $10 includes mag, Toronto-centric games, a 2007 Spacing calendar, and...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING: announcing the Winter-Spring 2007 issue
SPACING: announcing the Winter-Spring 2007 issue ON NEWSSTANDS: Wednesday, February 21 RELEASE PARTY: Thursday, February 22nd Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen...
By Spacing -
Turn your attention to Spacing Photos, please
Spacing Photos, our daily photoblog of Toronto’s public spaces, has been up and running again for the last two weeks (we took a little hiatus after...
By Matthew Blackett -
Goodbye Toro
As magazines go, Spacing doesn’t (or didn’t) have much in common with Toro Magazine. We generally covered different things, though one could...
By Shawn Micallef