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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Honk if you like Transit

    Kevin McGran reports in today’s Toronto Star that GTA tranist use is higher than ever. This suburban transit enthusiasm is evident in the magazine...

  • Royal Mess

    Today, the Toronto Star’s “Fixer” column features a corner of Royal York road where people waiting at a TTC bus stop have been...

  • FRIDAY: What the TTC could be

    WHAT THE TTC COULD BE January 5-8, 2006: noon to five XPACE Gallery • Kensington Market • 303 Augusta Over the last decade TTC Commisioners have...

  • Toronto’s New Year resolutions

    This might be a good time to lay out our wish list for 2006. • Do not approve the EUCAN monster bins: Within the coming months, the City’s...

  • Toronto’s Public Spaces in 2005

    Both Eye Weekly and NOW ran excellent 2005 year in review features. Here’s the stuff they pointed out that the Spacing Wire thinks is worth...

  • Harper on transit

    From People who buy monthly public transit passes will be given a tax credit of 16 per cent, saving the average user about $150 per year, The...

  • Reading Toronto

    Some might say that the Reading Toronto blog is our competition, but in fact they are our friends. RT offers readers intelligent critique and ideas that...

  • Macroscopes

    Yesterday’s Toronto Star had two stories that reminded me of John Thackara’s macroscope idea: A macroscope is something that helps us see what...

  • No strike, but they don’t use it….

    Unlike NYC, the TTC is working fine, so I found a “story” on CityNews (what was wrong with the old CityPulse name — it was cool) last...

  • New York City transit strike

    If you haven’t heard, New York City’s transit system was shut down at 3am today by a union strike. Nealy 7 million people are walking, biking...

  • Citizen TTC Commissioners

    Eye Weekly was inspired by a suggestion by Ed Drass, the transit columnist of the daily commuter paper Metro, that the two seats currently open on the TTC...

  • Is Toronto ready to grow up?

    (all links go to the Toronto Star) Is Toronto ready to grow up? Christopher Hume ponders this qestion in his column today regarding the potential overhaul...
