Munro to Miller: Commit the City to New Streetcars Now
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. Last week, the Toronto Budget Advisory Committee voted down a proposal to purchase new streetcars rather than rebuild 96...
By James Bow -
SPACING: Melbourne vs. Toronto: LRT showdown
Each Monday, is posting articles to the Spacing Archives. This week’s piece is a comparison of Toronto and Melbourne, Australia’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Distillery is anti-franchise, the airport LINK, and small town efficiency
All articles are from today’s Toronto Star. Distillery avoids sameness: from Chistopher Hume today…. For most visitors, the Distillery...
By Matthew Blackett -
There’s more to World Cup than soccer
It was nice to read a sports column today in the Star that wasn’t exactly about sports. Cathal Kelly, the Star’s man at the World Cup in...
By Matthew Blackett -
Torontonian Ivor Tossell was recently in New York City and took this picture of an MTA window display on 5th Avenue. Like, the main big money part of 5th...
By Shawn Micallef -
Drinking & cycling, new subways & TTC routes, street racing, police animals
• A teen was caught drinking and cycling and fell into an Etobicoke ravine. • There’s more controversy surrounding those new subway cars...
By Matthew Blackett -
Public space in the news today
• The Feds have tabled a law that specifies street racing as a crime. • The Howard Moscoe saga continues: Moscoe came under fire at council...
By Matthew Blackett -
Headlines worth following
Here are a few headlines worth following today, and I’d love to hear your comments about: The City of Toronto Act: the new law passed yesterday at...
By Matthew Blackett -
New iPod skin design: Tokyo subway map
More ideas for potential TTC merchandise: iPod skin of the subway system. Over at GelaSkins, you can buy an ultra-thin, high-grade vinyl skin of the Tokyo...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING: Beware the Ides of Merch?
One of Spacing’s on-going beefs with the TTC is how poor of a job it does of marketing itself. Once and a while they will do something that we may...
By Spacing -
Howard to quit? Ducharme says cars rule road
This TTC fiasco story won’t end soon, it looks like — Moscoe may step down from the the TTC Chair position. From Jeff Gray in the Globe and...
By Matthew Blackett -
We missed Dump the Pump Day
They take their cars and gas prices seriously south of the border, but transit systems across the US took part in a national Dump The Pump Day yesterday...
By Matthew Blackett