Urban Design
Toronto to Force New Condo Developers to Buy TTC Passes for Residents?
That’s Howard Moscoe’s suggestion, as a possible revenue stream for the TTC, and as a means of encouraging residents of new condominiums...
By James Bow -
News on the Wychwood Barns
A bunch of good news for people interested in the development of the old TTC streetcar garage, the Wychwood Barns up Christie, south of St. Clair West...
By Matthew Blackett -
Planning Downsview Park
Located at the edge of the City of Toronto, but in the centre of the GTA, the Downsview Park site could become a significant public space, and one of...
By Laura Hatcher -
Some good readings
A few tasty reads for you: here are three recent columns from Christopher Hume at the Star. The first column is about the public art at Toronto’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Goodbye, Regent Park
They’ve started tearing down Regent Park. For weeks now I’ve been walking through the middle of it, on my way from Cabbagetown down to the...
By Shawn Micallef -
Seattle’s department of neighbourhoods
In the fall, Spacing, Professor Pamela Robinson of Ryerson University, and the Metcalf Foundation presented two lectures by out-of-the-box thinkers from...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s design review panel
Design Review Panel pilot project for Toronto WHEN: February 13, 2006, 7-9pm, FREE WHERE: Metro Hall Council Chamber, 55 John Street Design Review Panels...
By Matthew Blackett -
The morning headlines
Some of the morning headlines left me feeling a little glum today: • TTC hikes fares but won’t cut service in the Toronto Star &bull...
By Matthew Blackett -
$treet Furniture – Buy Now, Pay Later!
For everyone who is following the monster bin® saga. Here is another chance to let the city know what you think about adverfurniture©. Consultations are...
By Chris Hardwicke -
The Metropolis monstrosity
I was forwarded this image of Metropolis posted on the Urban Toronto Forum. The complex will occupy the northeast corner of Yonge and Dundas, completing...
By Matthew Blackett -
Have your say — Budget 2006
Yesterday marked the beginning of community meetings to receive public input on the City’s 2006 operating budget. For those who didn’t get the...
By Dale Duncan -
John Sewell on the Real Story Behind the Superhighways
John Sewell: The Real Story Behind the Superhighways, 1930 to Now Monday, Feb. 6, 2006. Reception at 6pm, lecture at 7pm. Starting Monday night at the...
By Matthew Blackett