Urban Design
Greening Toronto’s roofs
Spacing Wire reader Brendan Stewart sent this along: The City of Toronto is currently in the middle of a process to develop a policy that will encourage...
By Matthew Blackett -
Gentrify this!
Gentrification is a hot topic in all cities, and the neighbourhoods surrounding Toronto’s downtown core are no exception. Much of the West Queen...
By Matthew Blackett -
DIPS and other fun at City Hall
New local street standards for Toronto A joint committee of Works and Planning today considered the “DIPS” report from staff which sets...
By Dylan Reid -
Decision by the lake
Christopher Hume writes in the Toronto Star today: “Sometime [Tuesday] at city hall, the much discussed East Bayfront Precinct Plan will finally go...
By Matthew Blackett -
Development issues are hot
If you haven’t already noticed, Spacing managing editor Dale Duncan has taken on the City beat for Eye Weekly. The topic that has been turning her...
By Matthew Blackett -
Housing Projects and Public Space
An important dimension of the recent two-week bout of rioting in France, one that a few people have noted, is the shape and use of public space. According...
By Dylan Reid -
So long and thanks for all the fish
The Toronto Star reports about how the City of Toronto lost the controversial Aquarium proposal for Exhibition Place due to, among other things, lack of...
By Chris Hardwicke -
T.O. to BE
There are so many proposed and under-construction projects in Toronto that it’s hard to get a grasp on what it all means to the city at large, and...
By Shawn Micallef -
Shadow games
When a new development is proposed in Toronto, the developer has to conduct “shadow studies” to make sure that it will not cast unreasonable...
By Dylan Reid -
REMINDER: Spacing presents City Repair tonight at U of T
The Repair Club comes to Toronto TONIGHT! • 7pm, free Innis College Town Hall (off St. George, just north of Harbord on U of T campus) Come take part...
By Matthew Blackett -
St. Clair ROW, Nathan Phillips Square, & the ROM condos
The Toronto Star had a few articles today that directly relate to some of the issues we’ve been covering here lately on the Spacing Wire. 1. St...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING EVENT: Repair Club comes to Toronto
The Repair Club comes to Toronto Tuesday, November 8th, 2005 • 7pm, free Innis College Town Hall (off St. George, just north of Harbord on U of T...
By Matthew Blackett