Urban Design
SPACING EVENT: City Club of Toronto?
The City Club of Toronto? Ideas and Experiences from Portland Spacing invites you out to an event we are helping organize promote. TONIGHT! • Innis...
By Spacing -
Who’s Driving the City?
While London is installing solar powered lighting in its busstops and New York is putting thousands of new bus shelters, newsstands and, public washrooms...
By Chris Hardwicke -
The Health Impacts of Sprawl
Our friends at the Ontario Smart Growth Network present a great little event that connects urban sprawl with the increasing obesity of North American...
By Matthew Blackett -
Skyscrapers of the world
Toronto is a weird place when it comes to tall buildings. We have the CN Tower, the world’s tallest free-standing structure in the world. But...
By Matthew Blackett -
Community transformation examples
The Sierra Club has an interesting feature on its website which allows you to flip through images of reimagined intersections in suburban sprawl areas...
By Matthew Blackett -
The High Cost of Free Parking
Terrence Belford writes a rather one-sided article about Toronto’s impending parking crisis in the Globe. What is bad news to the Globe: That is the...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Road construction halted
Last month, housing developers unearthed a native burial ground while widening a road north of Canada’s Wonderland. What is worse, York Region...
By Matthew Blackett -
Sewell on street signs
John Sewell writes in Eye this week about the erection of the re-designed street signs. Over the past year he has had a very difficult time getting City...
By Matthew Blackett -
York Region’s VIVA
The Toronto Star had some great coverage of York Region’s new VIVA transit system in the Saturday paper. Reading it online is fine, but the two page...
By Matthew Blackett -
Plant seeds not bullets
The Toronto Star has a good news story about urban farming in the Jane-Finch neighbourhood. Run by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority the urban...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Paris artists need your help
We know this happens all over the world but we still wanted to bring your attention to it: A group of artists in Paris have taken over a big, abandoned...
By Matthew Blackett -
Changing tides of Chinatown
From the Toronto Star today: “Community leaders believe two seemingly contradictory goals — clinging to tradition and more savvy marketing...
By Matthew Blackett