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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Work begins on the Urbanists Guide to Vancouver


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urbanistsguide-logoThe suggestions, ideas and insights are in. Now the re:place team is getting to work to compile the Urbanists Guide to Vancouver.

By the re:place team

About three weeks ago we posted a callout to re:place readers to help us put together a new guide that would feature off-the-beaten path places, events, products and more. The end result would be called the Urbanists Guide to Vancouver.

The response was fantastic, with many people posting comments on our original callout and many more e-mailing their ideas to us. Thank you to Price Tags, Beyond Robson and The Tyee who helped us get the word out.

Contributors to re:place are also sharing their ideas and we’re looking forward to presenting a guide that will be the result of the contribution of dozens of different people. Some suggestions came from lifetime residents, others from new arrivals and some from people who have just visited and wanted to share the places and things that stuck out most in their mind. We are now hard at work to compile all of these suggestions into a comprehensive guide.

We will be releasing the end product in sections (that we hope will be easy to navigate) during the week of February 8, just in time for when an influx of visitors will descend on the city for the Olympics. However, this guide is not just for tourists. In fact, we here have learned a lot ourselves!

Our hope is that this will be a great resource for visitors and Vancouverites alike. With suggestions that include great places to grab a bite, beautiful locations for a stroll, quiet spots to relax and other valuable tips, we’re hoping this will inspire many long-time residents to explore a new part of the city. There are many hidden nooks and crannies and secret spots that are worth exploring in a city the size of Vancouver and we’re hoping to make it a bit easier for everyone to enjoy all that Metro Van has to offer.

As we get to work we would first like to say a big thank-you to everyone who took the time to write to us or post their suggestions. We’re excited about this project and we hope that you will enjoy the end result.
Thank you again and be sure to check back February 8 for the first installment of the Urbanists Guide to Vancouver.

The re:place team
