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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Vancouver City Nights


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infoucs_vancouvrnightsThese photos showcase some of the areas around the city of Vancouver at night.

Images and Statement by Kirk Takei

As a visual person, I have always been fascinated by Light and Shadows and the varying degrees between them.

Photography has been my outlet to capture this.

I enjoy how lighting in general brings out details in a subject or inversely, hides them. When the subject is partially hidden in shadow, for example, I am fascinated on how the viewer’s imagination fills in the details.

As long as you can make out the silhouette of the subject, your mind fills in the missing areas to complete the picture.

This is especially true for Night Photography, as much of the detail is left to the viewer’s imagination.

My fascination with Light and Shadow stems from this special way we “see”.

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Kirk is a Vancouver-based 3D artist working at Slant Six Games, a local games studio. He works in a highly collaborative atmosphere where he specializes in lighting. While he enjoys all kinds of interests, photography has become one of his recent obsessions, due partially to the accessibility of digital photography over traditional photography. He is inspired by the works of other photographers, artists, and creative people and endeavours to improve on his own skills. He is drawn to images or scenes that evoke your imagination, highlight details that are easily missed and to ideas that spark enthusiasm.

You can see more Kirk’s photos here.
