Learning from Moses
The more things change the more they stay the same. – Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849 Robert Moses is a controversial figure in urban planning...
By Erick Villagomez -
City of Glassholes
City of GlassholesWorld Classholes dog eat downward dogcity of narrow shoulderscity of broad stereotypescity that ever sleepslong legs running off at the...
By Derek DeLand -
Broadway Plan Interactive Map
Information matters….and so does context. So, as the City of Vancouver embarks on four open houses related to the Broadway Plan over the next week...
By Erick Villagomez -
S101S – Understanding Shadow Studies: Why They Matter
Shadow studies often get lost amid the seemingly more pressing issues related to current urban planning and design. However, the relevance of shadow...
By Erick Villagomez -
Noise: The Invisible Pollutant
By 2050, an estimated one million new individuals are expected to make their home in the Metro Vancouver area. This projected influx of new residents is...
By Thierry Haddad -
Municipal Infrastructure Costs For Housing—Highs and Lows
Municipalities routinely make land-use decisions that can impact a community’s long-term livability and sustainability. These decisions can also have...
By ericaderneck -
Inequality, Gender, Intersectionality, Gentrification, and the City: An interview with Leslie Kern
Cities are political and economic centers of power. This comes with its fair share of challenges like poverty and inequality. Spacing Vancouver...
By Erick Villagomez -
Your 15-minute city is not my 15-minute city
Carlos Moreno’s “15-minute city” has been promoted by many city mayors around the world – perhaps most famously Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo. In...
By Robert Turner -
S101 Series: Introduction and Call
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: cities are complex. But that doesn’t mean they need to be complicated. Complexity refers to...
By Erick Villagomez -
VIDEO: Why does the Vancouver Plan matter to you?
On July 22, 2022, Vancouver City Council approved the Vancouver Plan, a citywide land use strategy to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable...
By Yuri Artibise -
The Ziggurats of Richmond
They swept away the suburban scenery that once defined much of Richmond and built the ziggurats. Auto shops, blackberry thickets, spas, snooker halls, and...
By Christopher Cheung -
Taking Us Where The Sun Don’t Shine – The Broadway Plan
Why bother? The survey flashes across your horizon suggesting a moment of importance. You click on the survey and give your opinion. What is really in...
By grahammcgarva