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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Saturday: Walk the Region, Moving Day and the World’s Biggest Bike Share

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Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.

Spacing Saturday celebrates Canada Day by going coast to coast. Welcome to west coast readers on the brand new Spacing Vancouver!

The Vancouver Public Space Network responds to the selection of Vancouver’s top ten spaces in the current issue of the Spacing Magazine with a reflection of what the selection says about our psyche towards public space.

Caroline Toth launched the Video Vancouver feature this week with a link to an incredible video about the hugely successful and innovative bike share program in the historic city of Hangzhou, China. The program aims to expand to 175,000 bikes by 2020.

Regional planning was a big theme on the Montreal blog this week as organizers push forward with Walk the Region, a three day walking tour across the entire Montreal Region from Oka to Mont Saint-Hilaire. Alanah Heffez also provided an update on a snag in planning for the event while Joel Thibert used The Regionalist column to make the case for why Montreal needs a regional plan.

Alanah Heffez looks into the seemingly curious tradition of Montreal’s July 1st moving day by examining the day’s origins over 260 years of advocacy for tenant’s rights.

While researching the best cycling route to the Ottawa airport Eric Darwin discovers the best way is not one mapped by the City but one where space for cyclists exists in practicality but isn’t officially recognized.

Crystal Melville reflects on her experiences riding Halifax’s Metro Transit and profiles It’s More Than Buses, a series of events centered around creating a new transit vision for the city focusing on exploring the options, designing the network and mobilizing public support.

As part of the upcoming bicentennial of the War of 1812, a team of archeologists have begun searching for the ruins of Government House in the heart of Fort York. Bronwyn Clement launches the first of a four part series following the excavations.

As one million people converge on Church Street for Pride Week, Shawn Micallef uses powerful stories, collected during the installation of the Murmur posts on the street, to reflect on why Pride is still important.

Photograph by: Jacob Earl
