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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Price Points: Skaters on the Seawall

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Just a few of the hundred or more skateboarders who were rolling towards Brockton Point on the Stanley Park Seawall (map here) to join in the 125th birthday party of the City of Vancouver a month ago.  (Question: what’s the collective?  A flip of skaters?   A slam?  A kick?)

Their sense of joy is obvious: youth, movement and comaraderie.

No idea what this group was or where they were coming from.  But they’re clearly organized ’cause they’re all wearing helments.  And check the T-shirts.  The one in black has the National Film Board logo.  That’s hip these days?  And the ones in white – what are they about?

Second question: How did they get back?   The seawall is one way, after all, and presumably, if you’re self-propelled, you’re supposed to continue around the park to get back where you started.   Which I’m sure they didn’t do.

The Park Board has never really figured out how to handle bikes and boards, and to date hasn’t indicated that it’s much of a priority.

[On that subject, much more here.]


One comment

  1. I can say on the nights of the summer live concerts the seawall was anything but one way. A mass of thousands working in concert can easily overturn any rule.