To Every Person and Group Interested in the Future of Vancouver,
You are invited to a discussion forum about the present and future of Vancouver, with a focus on neighbourhood/community planning issues.
Forum: “The Future of Vancouver” Community Issues Forum
When: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 3-5 pm
When: Saturday, October 20, 2012, 3-5 pm
Where: St. Patrick Parish Hall, 2881 Main Street (between 12th & 13th Avenue, Main Street Bus #3 or free parking lot off 13th)
Program Content
- Opening: Purpose, introductions, ground rules
- Short presentations for context:
a. Current context based on last two terms of City Council, 2008 and 2011 civic electionsb. Mayor’s Task Force on Housing Affordability – What was approved by Council?c. How city-wide and regional planning is affecting the community planning process.
3. Alternative options for planning principles and process.
4. Open microphone, moderated session based on presentations.
5. Next steps and closing
Let’s get together in one room, regardless of affiliations, for a non-partisan discussion – share information, hear others opinions and observations, and consider how the people of Vancouver can get this city back on track. In the past decade, even with changes in regime, City Hall has become increasingly top-down and inaccessible.
The format will include a few brief opening presentations, and a longer session with an open microphone.
The meeting will be a chance to have meaningful discussions about the present and future of our city and to connect with your neighbours. Please spread the word about the meeting. We hope to see you on Oct 20th.