The 8th annual Jane’s Walk Festival will take place on May 2nd, 3rd & 4th in 100+ cities worldwide, including Vancouver!
What is Jane’s Walk?
Jane’s Walk celebrates the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs by getting people out exploring their neighbourhoods through free walking tours, led by locals.
Free walking tours held on the first weekend of May each year are led by locals who want to create a space for residents to talk about what matters to them in the places they live and work. By walking together, communities engage in civic dialogue. Since its inception in Toronto in 2007, Jane’s Walk has expanded rapidly. In May of 2013, more than 800 walks were held in over 100 cities in 22 countries worldwide.
Everyone is welcome to lead or join in a free walk exploring the history and stories that shape our everyday urban experience. Food, art, history, nature, the built environment, the past and the future of the city and how we live together are amongst the themes developed and discussed on past Jane’s Walks.
Lead a walk in your neighbourhood
Jane’s Walks are about sharing stories. If you have a story to tell about your city, consider leading a walk! What better way to celebrate the tapestry of the urban experience than to help others discover new things about their city?You can create, plan, and map out your walk on the Jane’s Walk website.
Anyone can lead a walk.
Remember, walks are not necessarily led by experts, but by people who want to share what matters to them. There are only two rules: walks are taken and given for free, and they should be walking conversations. The rest is entirely up to the walkers, and the conversation topics are as varied as the people taking part, from art and architecture to potholes and shortcuts and from video surveillance to the urban forest: anything that helps you and others better understand our cities and neighbourhoods as places and spaces.
The Jane’s Walk team can help you plan, promote and share your walk. You can learn more about Jane’s Walk and submit a walk at
If you have any questions, or would like to help out in a different way, please contact Yuri Artibise, Vancouver Walk Organizer at