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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

EVENT: Chinatown Mah Jong Social (Round 2), July 11th


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The Youth Collaborative for Chinatown (青心在唐人街) presents

a hot and noisy (熱鬧) night

DATE: Saturday July 11, 2015
TIME: 6-9 PM
LOCATION: Chinatown Memorial Square, Corner of Keefer and Columbia

Help bring the “hot and noisy” back to Chinatown this Summer!

Did you miss our last Mahjong Night? Are you yearning for the sound of clicking tiles? Come out for a night of outdoor mahjong. It’s a balmy summer night for playing, learning and teaching mahjong all the while sharing stories about Chinatown. Don’t know how to play? There will be plenty of pros ready to teach you the basics and send you on your way to becoming a tile shark. Don’t like mahjong? No sweat, there will be plenty of other games including Chinese chess, Chinese checkers, or Big Two aka “Chinese situs poker online” (鋤大D).

The new Youth Collaborative for Chinatown is a network of youth doing awesome stuff in, for, and with Chinatown. Mahjong Night is just the beginning, so come learn more about the YCC and sign up as a Collaborator, or just play a round of mahjong and wish us luck! This is an all-ages affair. Bring your grandparents, bring your siblings, bring your friends!

Have an extra mahjong tile set or mahjong table?
Get involved and in touch with us at the Youth Collaborative for Chinatown!

Help bring the “hot and noisy” back to Chinatown this summer!


日期: 2015 年 7 月 11 日 (星期六) 時間:晚上6時至9時
地點: 基化街 105 號, 華埠悼念廣場

今年仲夏, 齊來為唐人街增添熱鬧氣氛!
同來分享耍麻雀之樂,無論您是初學 者或是高手,都無任歡迎! 除了麻雀之外, 還有充滿童年回憶的象棋、 波子棋和鋤大D。

「青心在唐人街」即將為唐人街 展開一連串的精彩活動。誠意邀請您來與大家一起耍耍麻雀、認識和支持我們!

Help Spread the Word!

-Like and share the YCC Facebook Page
-Follow @ycc_yvr on Twitter
-Use #Chinatownyvr #ycc #hotandnoisy
-Join the Facebook Event
-Check out our (in progress) website!

