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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Heritage Vancouver Society – Annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour


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Annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013
Time: 1pm to 5pm (loading begins at 12:30pm and bus departs at 1pm sharp)
Location: Meet in the Vancouver Museum Parking Lot, 1100 Chestnut St
Tickets: $40; Heritage Vancouver Members $35

Heritage Vancouver Society presents our highly anticipated 13th annual Top Ten Endangered Sites Bus Tour. Our Top Ten Bus Tour is one of Vancouver’s heritage highlights. Its lots of fun and you’ll see first hand the sites we are focusing on in the upcoming year.

Climb aboard and enjoy this exclusive tour led by Heritage Vancouver’s own heritage experts, Donald Luxton, well-known author, and the President of Heritage Vancouver, and Anthony Norfolk, head of our Advocacy committee. They will fascinate you with their stories of this year’s endangered sites.

The bus will stop at two surprise Top Ten sites and you will have the opportunity to explore these endangered sites in detail and have a conversation with community members!

Purchase your tickets early as this popular, award winning tour always sells out.

Please note: The list and position papers will be released shortly before the tour.

Purchase tickets:

Online via Eventbrite at

Made out to Heritage Vancouver Society and mailed to:
Heritage Vancouver Society, 1020 Denman St., PO Box 47036 Denman Place, Vancouver, BC V6G 3E1

Please let us know if you’ve mailed a cheque at

PIBC: 4 CPD LU   AIBC: 4 Core LU

