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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


One comment

  1. I highly value Graham’s words. In my view, the poet-mind needs to come to bear on the urban design discourse because that mind-set drills down to essential things, takes the conversation to a much bigger and necessary place, and inspires others to think and share as I do here:

    By The Time That I Arrive

    By the time that I arrive
    The threads of intentions have been gathered together
    Into a cup-handed embrace of my peaceful enjoyment
    Squeeze me and make me hot, mad and stinky

    I don’t want to think much about this stuff
    Or be made aware enough of it to even think about it
    You embrace, or squeeze, or intrude unwanted into my awareness

    Feel the warmth of the sun on my back
    Sink into warm café murmurs
    Am there to take the young hand extended
    And receive the friend’s hand offered

    Cherish intimate private embraces
    Listen through an open window to geese honking across the sky
    that V over the thrum of the city
    And, from time to time I run around naked and howl like a wolf

    You need to cherish me and help to make me whole
    So that my intention threads are strong
    And gentle
    And knowing
    And embracing all who also enter into the weave.