By Erick Villagomez
Policy, Density and Population Distribution
To most users of the urban landscape, cities are cacophonous and chaotic entities that somehow manage to hold their daily lives together in a relatively...
Water Footprint: Metro Vancouver
For a larger version click here. Water plays a central role in human culture. From its use in religious rituals to the creation of modern products the...
Get Creative with Your Garage Design
If you possess some yard space that you feel is unutilized why not try something new? As space becomes limited, so is the demand for creative...
Building Evolution
How do current practices of planning and regulation affect the evolution of buildings and cities? Erick Villagomez looks at the nature of urban evolution...
Where are the kids? – Epilogue
At last, we’ve reached the end of our child-tracking journey. As I mentioned in the last piece, I want to end off by looking at the all of the children...
Where are the kids? – Teenagers thirteen to eighteen years old
Finally, we turn our gaze to spatial distribution of the last group in our cartographic series of children in Vancouver: teenagers from thirteen to...
Where are the kids? – Children six to twelve years old
Continuing our series looking at the spatial distribution of children across Vancouver, we’re now going to turn our attention to the next group of kids...
Where are the kids? – Children three to five years old
The last map we looked at a couple of weeks ago, discussed the pattern of distribution of children under three years old. In keeping with the data...
Where are the kids? – Children under three years old
We’ll take a break from the Kingsway theme in Cartographically Speaking and start introducing these on a more casual basis. Let’s jump to a different...
Kingsway: Building footprint figure-ground
Kingsway is one of the most significant streets in Metro Vancouver. With its rich history that pre-dates European arrival and its unique diagonal urban...
Office Space
By Erick Villagomez, re:place magazine Places of work are as important to the proper functioning of cities as places of dwelling, playing, and gathering...
The future of urban planning is open source
By Erick Villagomez, re:place magazine Cities, by their very nature, are always in a state of change. Responding to the myriad of internal and external...