RELEASE: VPSN, Laneway Living Rooms: Grandma’s House, July 29th
Laneway Living Rooms: Grandma’s House WHEN: 12pm – 9pm Saturday, July 29th, 2017 WHERE: 1027 Commercial Drive laneway (south of Venables St between Parker...
By Vancouver Public Space Network -
RELEASE: Vancouver unveils new Indigenous murals as part of Canada 150+
Via: City of Vancouver The City of Vancouver, as part of its Canada 150+ program, commissioned a series of six paint and print murals created by...
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West Coast Modern Home Tour 2017
Guest author: Jordan Yerman We all crave the larger architectural moments and design gestures uncovered during the West Coast Modern Home Tour presented...
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Video Vancouver: The Gentrification Song
The Gift of Gab “The Gentrification Song” Official Music Video. From the EP ‘Rejoice! Rappers Are Rapping Again!’ available...
By Yuri Artibise -
RELEASE: A Better City Vancouver – Call to Action
Vancouverites know better than anyone what would make their city better. For that reason, we are asking residents from 50 neighbourhoods across the city...
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RELEASE: AIBC Architectural Walking Tours Begin on Canada Day
Did you know that Vancouver architects are responsible for making the famed CBC “bunker” building almost completely wireless? In a 2009 renovation...
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Help transform downtown Vancouver’s Ackery’s Alley
After last year’s “Alley-Oop” transformation of an alley near West Hastings and Granville streets, in downtown Vancouver the team at...
By Yuri Artibise -
RELEASE: VAG North Plaza reopens
Upgrades to the North Plaza of the Vancouver Art Gallery are completing this week in time for the Jazz Festival on Saturday. “The plaza to the north of...
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RELEASE: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Chinese Garden Is Looking For Your Expertise
Are you looking for a way to get involved in a culturally diverse organization in the heart of Chinatown? Are you passionate about architecture, culture...
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Housing as a Human Right: Miloon Kothari at the MOV
When Fidel Castro took power over Cuba, the country experienced major changes in its housing policies. Evictions of tenants were prohibited and their...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
EVENT: Point Grey Fiesta 31st Anniversary, June 16-18
POINT GREY FIESTA WHEN: June 16 , 17, 18, 2017 Join us as we turn West 10th and Trimble Park into the annual start-of-summer event for our community...
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EVENT: East Vancouver Garden Tour—Sunday, June 18th
This year’s East Vancouver Garden Tour will be on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 18th. Like other years, this year’s tour will be...
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