S101S – Describing Building Types: Why They Matter
Why is an understanding of building types important to urban planning and design? What aspects of planning are they connected to? Given that urban...
By Erick Villagomez -
S101S: Explaining Transit-Oriented Development: Benefits and Drawbacks
What is Transit-Oriented Development and what are its benefits and drawbacks? Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) has become so common within urban...
By Erick Villagomez -
S101S—Understanding Residential Density: FSR, Building Setbacks and Height Regulations
What is Floor Space Ratio (FSR) and how does it interact with building setbacks and height regulations to create building forms and the ‘look and feel’ of...
By Erick Villagomez -
Inequality, Gender, Intersectionality, Gentrification, and the City: An interview with Leslie Kern
Cities are political and economic centers of power. This comes with its fair share of challenges like poverty and inequality. Spacing Vancouver...
By Erick Villagomez -
Ken Sim’s Swagger and the Language of Inequality
swagger noun plural swaggers : an arrogantly self-confident way of walking: an act or instance of swaggering : arrogant or conceitedly self-assured...
By Erick Villagomez -
Vancouver ™
Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt from Reinier de Graaf’s recently published book, Architect, Verb.: The New Language of Building...
By Spacing -
S101S – Understanding Density: Net vs. Gross Density
What is the difference between “net” and “gross” density, and how do these relate to urban planning? In Understanding Residential...
By Erick Villagomez -
Video Vancouver: A Virtual Bike Tour of Vancouver’s Waterfront
This is a virtual bike tour (video with audio) of Vancouver’s waterfront, by the City of Vancouver’s Senior Urban Designer Scot Hein with Josh Bassett for...
By Spacing -
Book review: DIY City
Author: Hank Dittmar (Island Press, 2020) DIY, or “do-it-yourself,” as it relates to urban planning, most easily evokes images of colourful...
By Andrew Cuthbert -
On Interior Urbanism: An Interview with Jeremy Senko
Interiors and urbanism are often considered opposites of one another. But are they so different? Spacing Vancouver’s Erick Villagomez recently had a...
By Erick Villagomez -
S101 Series: Introduction and Call
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: cities are complex. But that doesn’t mean they need to be complicated. Complexity refers to...
By Erick Villagomez -
Digging Into Where The Sun Needs Shine – BROADWAY PLAN – Part 2
Expand upon our embedded assets This lyric essay digs inside the psyche of planning processes. It uses the oblique projection of poetry to throw light on...
By grahammcgarva