Film & Video
Video: Vancouver Hyperlapse
Via 604scans After two years and more than 100,000 photos taken, we are proud to present ‘Vancouver Hyperlapse: Extended Version’ ; the 7min...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: The Future of Mobility
The future of mobility. As usual. Västtrafik via Movin’On
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Anyone Can Lead Their Own Jane’s Walk!
Jane’s Walk 2017 is on May 5, 6, and 7! Whether the conversation is about art, architecture, soundscapes, diversity, history, nature, technology...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Granville Island
Evoke DIALOG | Granville Island | Vancouver, BC from DIALOG on Vimeo. Via Dialog Design: Heralded by planners, politicians and in publications worldwide...
By Yuri Artibise -
EVENT: Brasilia: Life After Design (Film), May 8th
Join the Museum of Vancouver for the Canadian premiere of Bart Simpson’s sublime urban documentary film, BRASILIA: Life After Design (Canada/UK...
By Spacing -
Video Vancouver: Symptoms of Congestion
Via the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation: Congestion is a pain for commuters across Metro Vancouver every day. The good news is: There is a...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: UnGapTheMap
Via Hub Cycling: Find out why we’re working to UnGapTheMap in Metro Vancouver and make cycling safer for all. This video was produced with the kind...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Vanniversary
Via City of Vancouver: For Vancouver’s birthday [April 6], we asked citizens some fun questions through our engagement portal...
By Yuri Artibise -
VIDEO: The “Missing Middle” in Vancouver’s Housing Density Debate
Via The Tyee: When you think of high urban density, you might think of big land assembly projects that end up in blockbusting towers. It doesn’t have to...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video: Can You Speak British Columbian?
Chinook Wawa is intimately linked with the history of British Columbia. From its roots in the Nootka Jargon catalyzed by the voyage of Captain Cook, it...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Return to Hogan’s Alley
Secret Vancouver: Return to Hogan’s Alley Discover how this hotbed of historic jazz was nearly forgotten by time and erased by urban renewal...
By Yuri Artibise -
VIDEO: Vancouver’s Multi-Modal Success Story
Streetsfilms was lucky to be at the ProWalk ProBike ProPlace 2016 this Summer where we got to hang with many of the smartest folks in the world and meet...
By Yuri Artibise