A Better Broadway Plan: Radical Pro-Affordability
It’s not a good week to be a member of Vancouver City Council. Confronted with a final decision on the Broadway Plan, and now brutally aware of its...
By Patrick Condon -
Where Did Vancouver’s Children Go?
What happened to all the kids? In Metro Vancouver, the senior population is growing over six times faster than the region’s number of children, according...
By Christopher Cheung -
What You Should Know about Vancouver’s New City Plan
By Christopher Cheung and Jen St. Denis It’s here at last — Vancouver’s long-awaited plan that will guide land-use decisions from density to design across...
By Christopher Cheung -
The Jericho Lands Need a Human-Scaled Rethink
Vancouver is destined to have a new neighbourhood on its west side, one so densely populated that Council recently approved routing the proposed subway to...
By scothein -
Too Obsessed with ‘Character’ Homes?
Go to just about any Vancouver council meeting or public hearing to do with urban growth and you can bet someone will say that change will hurt...
By Christopher Cheung -
Optimizing Social Connection: An Interview with Saif Khan
[EDITOR’S NOTE: It is with the heaviest heart that we at Spacing Vancouver inform readers of the unexpected passing of Ulduz Maschaykh. Known to...
By Ulduz Maschaykh -
EVENT: Urban Lunch with Michael Geller and Tom Davidoff, Feb 24th
Urban Lunch with Michael Geller and Tom Davidoff DATE: Thursday February 24th TIME and LOCATION:12 noon, via Zoom REGISTRATION: Free. Register for your...
By Spacing -
Spacing Express: Winners of the Urbanarium Mixing Middle Competition
Urbanarium has just announced the winners of The Mixing Middle competition, which sought innovative mixed–use designs for four Metro Vancouver...
By Spacing -
‘Most Livable City?’ A 30-Year Gap in Life Expectancy Exists Within Vancouver
Live in Vancouver? Then you’ve seen those annual rankings that celebrate it as one of the world’s “most livable cities.” But zoom in to the neighbourhood...
By Christopher Cheung -
As Vancouver Shrinks, the Suburbs Swell
Is it a pandemic exodus? Vancouver’s population has shrunk for the first time in half a century, according to population estimates by Statistics Canada...
By Christopher Cheung -
Vancouver Needs Way More Co-ops. Here’s How to Get Them
The cost of housing has reached a crisis point in Vancouver, with no clear agreement on what to do about it. Which made it a rare moment when...
By Patrick Condon -
Vancouver’s Dramatic New Plan for Broadway: Five Questions
The City of Vancouver’s Broadway Plan has been released for public comment and is full of dramatic proposals. Profusely illustrated, over 100 pages long...
By Patrick Condon