Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Tuesday
LOCAL • It’s the final frame for local alley [Globe and Mail] • Another 33 people charged in Stanley Cup riot [Globe and Mail] • Vancouver Council’s...
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Foreign Investment in Vancouver’s Real Estate Market–March 20, 2013
In Vancouver, there has been a lot of speculation about the impact of foreign investment on our real estate market and marijuana penny stocks company...
By Yuri Artibise -
Laneway Housing Event: March 20, 2013
The Emerging Green Builders of Metro Vancouver are proud to invite the general public to a special presentation by top laneway housing experts on this...
By Yuri Artibise -
Imagine Surrey: Four Speakers Look at the New Downtown Centre
Imagine Surrey was held March 2 at Surrey’s City Centre library. There were four speakers, plus community displays and even an opportunity to help...
By Don Schuetze -
Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Monday
LOCAL • Evergreen Line a threat to affordable housing [Vancouver Sun] • Commercial Drive’s first food truck hooked by net of local politics [Vancouver...
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Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Sunday
LOCAL • The New Surrey: The city’s not-so-secret weapon [Vancouver Sun] • Vancouver mayor gets on board a campaign to push for Broadway subway line, with...
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Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Saturday
LOCAL • International Women’s Day: Mary Lindfield [Grandview Heritage Group] • Kerrisdale preservationists lament a tide of bulldozers [Globe and Mail] â€...
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CoV – Ironclad Art Manhole Cover Design Challenge
The City of Vancouver invites everyone who lives, works or goes to school in Vancouver to submit designs for new manhole covers. Contest Dates Opens...
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SALA Lecture: Eric Miller—March 18, 2013
Lecture by UBC Margolese National Design for Living Prize winner Eric Miller, University of Toronto. For over 30 years, Eric Miller’s research into the...
By Yuri Artibise -
Neighbourhood Watch
A weekly roundup of noteworthy news in municipalities across B.C. The pay parking model sputtered to a stop in Harrison Hot Springs Monday night. A...
By Yuri Artibise -
Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday
LOCAL • SFU students design social media plan to help isolated Marpole seniors [Vancouver Courier] • New Translink study strengthens the case for Broadway...
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Video Vancouver: Bicycled » A bike made out of cars
Cars go to the junkyard and we will recycle them to create the most efficient, ecological and healthy means of transportation. Bicycled, the bike made out...
By Caroline Toth