I Love These Streets. Come Walk with Me
Photos by Kayla Isomura Looking at my house fills me with a quiet joy. She is painted in turquoise with a bright yellow door. Vines gives her a winsome...
By Emilie K Adin -
How Art Works
as dialysisdrop by drop, filters toxins from bloodbefore they can poison the heartthis venom, refined, is art. as antivenindrop by drop, binds toxins in...
By Derek DeLand -
The Barcelona Chronicles: The Eixample and the Superilla
The morning was overcast, but the mood was bright as our group of visiting BC Planners emerged from the Metro station into El Poblenou, Catalan for...
By Erick Villagomez -
hindsight: Strathcona
Click here for a larger image. What happens when a crisis, much like the one we are acutely dealing with right now, undermines the normal operation of our...
By hindsightmag -
It’s complicated — our relationship with Instagram and nature
On a hike to Upper Joffre Lake near Pemberton this summer, I saw a dozen people frozen in the same pose. In one hand, they held out crumbs. In the other...
By Christopher Cheung -
Writing Vancouver – Smashed Egg Syndrome
SMASHED EGG SYNDROME or How to Make an Omelette If you want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs. — City of Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan...
By natashasanderskay -
Video Vancouver: Disappearing Main Street
Via CBC News: These Vancouver photographers have been documenting Main Street since 2011 — and it’s disappearing David Niddrie and Jen Okrusko have...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Richmond/Kowloon
Vancouver-based Greg Girard spent three decades working and living in Asia examining the social and physical transformations of some of its largest cities...
By Yuri Artibise -
Book Review – Vancouver Light: Visions of a City
Photographer: David Nanuk with Foreword by Stephen Hume (Harbour Publishing, 2014) Although there are a number of sharp and well-directed critiques about...
By Erick Villagomez -
Orpheum Theatre
Photo by Colink. The interior of the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver, BC Contribute photos to Spacing Vancouver’s Flickr Pool
By Julie Fish -
Sunset Beach
Photo by VancouverDoug The 217.5 Arc X13 sculpture on Sunset Beach, the West End, Vancouver, BC Contribute photos to Spacing Vancouver’s Flickr Pool
By Julie Fish -
Long exposure
Photo by Amanda Catching 254 second exposure of a construction site, August 9, 2014, Vancouver, BC Contribute photos to Spacing Vancouver’s Flickr Pool
By Julie Fish