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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Saturday headlines

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4Large pothole shuts Turcot ramp in Montreal | Hole discovered in Montreal’s Turcot interchange | Travaux d’urgence | Un trou sur l’échangeur Turcot provoque une congestion. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise to me, considering the conversation I had with a friend recently about how when we’re on the Turcot we just close our eyes and pray we make it to the other side.

4Montreal man charged in sex assaults of 4 prostitutes | Police ask alleged sexual assault victims of Montreal businessman to step forward | Le Montréalais accusé d’agressions sur des prostituées demeure détenu

4Electric cars now allowed on some Quebec roads: Fuel-efficient vehicles permitted where speed limit is less than 50 km/h | Province now plugged in to low-speed electric cars and demand is high

4Rue St-Hubert. Jour de gloireDespite crime rates going down 14% from 2006 to 2007, the Gazette wants us all to know that we’re really, really afraid: Good news: Crime’s going down. The bad news: The person on the street doesn’t feel any safer | ‘People are just as scared as they ever were’: Statistics no comfort. Police want to heighten public’s sense of security | We can’t get complacent, victims’ groups say | Justice minister defends Tories’ tough-on-crime agenda | National crime statistics [PDF, 3.3mb] | Canada’s crime rate drops for 3rd straight year: StatsCan; Reported crime rates highest in western provinces, agency data shows

4Public health director wants safe injection sites across Quebec

4Montreal coalition goes door-to-door to curb drug use

4Les cours d’eau de Montréal en meilleure santé

4Le règlement sur la propreté viole la convention des cols bleus | Règlement sur la propreté: La cause du balai en appel | Montreal sidewalk sweeping bylaw still in effect. Reading these piece hurt my head a bit, because it’s a mess of bureaucracy, but from what I can tell, they’re saying that business owners are allowed to sweep the sidewalk in front of their establishment.

41,5 millions pour réaménager le boulevard Rosemont

4Montreal is for the birds, but look out for those deer lurking near garbage cans

4Opus’s encore plays downtown: Face-to-face pitches at stations. Monthly passes will be traded for smart cards

4Old Montreal museum is one for the ages: Showcasing city’s social history. This is a kind of random puff-piece about the Centre d’Histoire de Montréal, but it does mention that they have an exhibit up until the end of August with photos of local industrial buildings — which I expect will interest some of our readers.

4In Montreal: Squeaky Wheels. The Gazette has launched a column to answer questions about the transit experience in Montreal, and they’re asking for submissions.

4Here’s something quite weird: Toilettes publiques à vendre

“Rue St-Hubert. Jour de gloire” by Racineur on Flickr.

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