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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. A headline like “Miller’s lefty taxi squad” can only come from the Sun…

  2. I always get really pissed after reading the Sue Ann Levy on here, but today’s was pretty good I think. Spending 2 grand a year on cabs is quite a lot for someone who claims to walk / ttc everywhere.

    I just really dislike cabs though.

    For any other Kunstler fans, here is his review of the parking lot:

  3. A headline like “Miller’s lefty taxi squad” can only come from the Sun…

    Comment by Brent — July 30, 2007 @ 9:13 am

    That’s the Sun whose circulation is still in decline. Remember when they used to advertise as the little paper that grew? No more, they’re in either third or fourth place and shrinking.

    I’ve said that Toronto has two papers: the Globe and the Star. Then there’s the pretenders wanting so greatly to be considered newspapers.